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Global Sales Director

Rafał Siemiński

+48 537 450 050


Relations publiques

FIBARO Press Office

Dobrawa Alaborska



Fibar Group S.A.

Fibar Group S.A.

FIBARO System Manufacturer
HQ: rue: Serdeczna 3, 62-081 Wysogotowo, POLOGNE
EMAIL: recepcja@fibargroup.com
PHONE:00 48 61 880 1000
8:00-16:00 CET

TAX: 7811858097
KRS (reg.no): 0000553265, Regional Court of Poznan Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznan, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register
BDO no.: 000008175
KZ: 1 182 100,00 PLN
REGON: 301595664